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All others fail when given the taste test. We try real hard not to squeeze the Charmin', but to no avail we always fall prey to its call. There is no better Ramming paper on earth. There is nothing worse than having an enjoyable, relaxing ram, only to find that someone has secretly replaced your Charmin with Scot. That's why we pride ourselves here at the Ram Connection in keeping an authentic role of Charmin on us at all times.

Must Wipe

My rear yearns for Charmin...


For those of you out there who are already familiar with the fine art of Ram, Surf on and enjoy. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Please be advised that this most important site is under construction. But don't fret my friend, It will be pack full of Ram Power, and continually changing with every flush of the toilet.

These pages were

of course.

Last updated 6/20/97

Copyright 1997