Welcome To Jer's Art

Here's some more of my works. The media here ranges from relief print, etching, water color and acyrlic. Thanx and enjoy...

Title: The Album
Media: Relief Print on Silk paper
Date: 1996

Title: Milk Bottle
Media: Illustrater, Dimensions and Photoshop
Date: 1996

Title: Penis
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Date: 1995

Title: Sex
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Date: 1995

Title: The Womb
Media: Acrylic on Canvas
Date: 1995

Title: The Steeple at Rockingham Castle
Media: Watercolor
Date: 1995

Title: Castle at Rockingham, England
Media: Watercolor
Date: 1996

Title: Chapel at Rockingham, England
Media: Watercolor
Date: 1996

Be Sure To Summon Me

sending e-mail to kinseyj@it.uwp.edu. Be sure to send your comments, suggestions, or just a quick "Hey There Dude."

Thanx For Visiting!!!

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