Welcome To Jer's Art

Hi, and Thanx so much for looking around, here is some more recent stuff... Enjoy and e-Mail me to let me know what you think... Thanx...

Title: Spike, Cig, Twig...The Decline of Western Civilization
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Date: 1995

Title: Fantasy Scape
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Date: 1996

Title: Geo Grid
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Date: 1996

Title: Ashes to Ashes; Dust to Dust
Media: Acrylic on canvas board
Date: 1995

Title: Absolut Support
Media: Computer Illustration Printed on Watercolor paper and Watercolored
Date: 1996

Title: Landscape
Media: Computer Painting done with Fractal Design Painter
Date: 1996

Title: Square, Circle, Triangle, Cylinder
Media: Computer Painting done with Fractal Design Painter
Date: 1996

Title: 10 Dollar Rolls
Media: Video Image enhanced with Photoshop
Date: 1995

Title: Lego Truck
Media: Adobe Illustrator
Date: 1995


Thanx For Visiting!!!

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