Welcome to My Cat's Glory Page

This is "Thunder Bunny"


Peek-a-boo.... Actually my cat's name is Fluffy, but I call her Thunder Bunny, Puff, Puffers, Lard Ass, and Thunder Bitch...
She is a typical lazy cat... She eats, shits, and sleeps all day.. But she is more loyal than any dog I've had... She sits when you say sit and begs when you say beg But she can do more than just simple stupid dog tricks... She can open locked doors with her paws, change channels on the T.V. remote. This is one hell of a cat, she loves everyone...

How about you? Do you have cool cat?
If so, why don't you tell us about it. And by the way, if you have your cat on-line, why not let us know the URL so we can place a link to your Kitty....

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kinseyj@it.uwp.edu. Let me here all about your opinions on this matter??? And long live the Mac...