
by Jeremy Kinsey

He bleeds. Oh God does he bleed. Wretched and twisted is his inner soul by his own mind. The closer he get to his ultimate destination, the further he is driven from reality. His mind is not here; nor is it of this earth. He is of flesh created conceptually in the womb of his mother. His very essence however is not within this plane. His fantasy mind is forever tortured by a human shell of reality. He is tortured more so by that which cannot be. He wants; but what is want? How can what he truly wants ever conceivably overcome what his situation dictates. He must know the answer for a question he should never ask. It is his pain. It makes him who he is. Without it perhaps then he will be at peace, or regretfully damned to an eternity of nothingness. Will he then be trapped in a complete void to contemplate nothing forever? Is it right to do the right thing? Or is it right to do what you want? He knows not. He must know. He needs to know. This bleeding must stop. Help? What is his fate? Is it going to be what his life, family, and friends dictate. Is their path right? Or is it the wise choice. It certainly is the easy choice. Then why is it so hard. Why must he bleed so? Jesus Christ, if there is a God help him! He is bleeding but will not die. He cannot die. He must know the answer, and at what ever cost to his surroundings. What is his fate. What will become of his decision. "It is a far better fate to know what will be, then to wonder what might have been." If he must decide between between what is right and what he needs to end this emotional horror, he chooses neither. It is too hard to decide. He could easily please himself by once again giving what he feels is truly fate a chance. But at what cost to those around him who oppose his misunderstood obsession? He could also as easily deny his bleeding obsession with true love. He could indeed give up fate for the sake of those who care for him. But at what cost to him for either way he shall continue to bleed. He bleeds by fate. He bleeds by destiny. He is bleeding ever more by what is right. God Help Me.



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