Benson Wants You

Did you ever feel as though everything you did was "Benson?"

Every place you went, it was Benson?

Well, my friend, we're here to clue ya, it is. It's Benson. It's all Benson, all the time. Nothing but BENSON!!!

Hi, I'm Benson DuBois

Benson first brightened our dark image of the the word Benson on September 13, 1979, with his first episode of, yes, you guessed it, Benson.. Benson gave new meaning to the popular phrase, "The butler did it" when was on SOAP . Yes, Benson did do it all. To his few remaining followers, he still does it. It's just Benson.
Even though Benson is French, he's still just "Benson." If Benson were Jewish, he would still be Benson. If Benson liked MicroSoft, he would still be Benson, he would be stupid, but that doesn't matter because Benson likes Macintosh. If Benson smoked crack, he would still be Benson, he'd be fried, but nevertheless, he would still be Benson. If Benson mounted some chick and got her pregnant, the result would be another Benson. Benson's personalized license plates say Benson. Benson's Macintosh is running the BensonOS. If you were to select "About This Benson," it would say that Benson has a gig of Benson available.

The Cast Benson Bio


Last Updated June 29, 1997

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